Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Last Day in Brazil

Today is my last day in Brazil. I have absolutely loved it, especially the time spent in the South of Brazil. Considering I had to work the entire time I was here, its not often I get to say that I truly loved it. The location, people, food, work experience has all been fantastic - I have never been treated this well by any previous clients.

I feel somewhat guilty and ridiculous saying this….but I do believe I have a stalker... a single-white female to call my own. Let me start by saying that she is nice, but it crossed the line into stalkerville a while ago. This woman has been glued to me from the second I got into town. She has had every single lunch and dinner with me…and she jockeys to sit next to or across from me. She brings me Cokes, pineapple, tells me how nice I look (except today she said I looked tired – grrrr), and literally is at my beck and call. She scheduled a wine tour and literally lurks outside of my cube to be with me. She showed me airfare prices to come visit me in Detroit next year.

At first, I loved the attention and probably even encouraged it. I was helping her with her English. Now…I am a little distressed. Last night she asked me to go to dinner (with a couple of others) and when I said no, she literally looked like she was going to cry and quickly left the table. Tonight, we are having a big end of the audit dinner with the entire audit team and our clients (probably 20-25 people). It is at a fancy restaurant and we decided as an audit team to go to a club afterwards to celebrate a job well done. My stalker found out and said, “I am coming with you”.

I feel like this is such a burden and I’m on the verge of lying about going so that I might have my last night to my team and myself. Honestly, how big of a jerk am I? Feel free to tell me I'm a jerk.

To answer some of the questions that have already been asked – yes, she’s hot and yes, I’m sure I could land her. J Ha ha. :)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Seen on the Bus in Brazil

ASS Tours - call xxxx-xxxxx

made me giggle

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Keep it in Your Pants

Ok, I've made it to Caxias do Sul, Brazil. The land of Gisele Bundchen and other drop-dead gorgeous people, in general.

I'm with a few co-workers (all male) and I have to say that I am so surprised by the 13 year-old boy mentality. Honestly, my co-workers are 28, 39 and 44 - at the sight of a pretty girl on our team from a local firm, they practically wet themselves. Eyes popped out of their heads, I see them make comments to each other about the hot girl. The 28 year-old is the pride of my all male staff (in addition to my team) in that every other guy (meaning the married ones) can live vicariously through him.

Here's my problem
1. 28? You're no longer 22 years-old dude and if you don't watch it, you'll become that "creepy guy"
2. The 28 year-old has a girlfriend and is constantly looking for praise for the fact that he is faithful to this girlfriend.'re 28 - being in a relationship is expected - it is NORMAL behavior.
3. The ease in which my co-worker is praised and lauded for his sexual prowess. Kind of gross and totally inappropriate at work.
4. The co-worker has prior sexual harassment complaints filed against him by two girls in Sweden for his behavior. Yet, he continues on this path and is again encouraged repeatedly at every level in my dept. If it were me, I'd be scared silly and would be nothing short of professional.

It really irks me and over the course of my two audits here in Brazil I've called everyone out on the team for their behaviors and input into this scenario. Sometimes its in a joking way, but I've also pulled certain people aside and told them they'd better watch out if they want to be taken seriously down the road, etc. I've even cursed one co-worker into having girls that are cheated on by their boyfriends because "they're not married yet, live life while you can" (that was his quote and he didn't appreciate me calling him on it. He's a VERY conservative Catholic, if you couldn't dare I.)

At the end of the day, I shouldn't be surprised by this, nor should I let it work me up. However, its the same story every single day. A pretty girl walks by, same story every single time. At what point does this behavior become acceptable and even encouraged? Why do men do this? I don't buy genetic disposition, but its used as an excuse. "Its what guys do.". "Its how guys are wired." Personally, I think its a lame excuse to act like a pig. While I've never been a man and truly don't understand this, I do know lots of men that go through their lives without being a walking billboard for random hook-ups.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Guest Blogger - Lanae

"Only on my terms" -

The last two months has been about as up and down of a time as I've ever experienced. The love of my life swept me off my feet and we anxiously began planning the rest of our lives. We were only engaged for a day when we started making the guest list, talking about our wedding party, and sharing our dreams for our special day. We started telling people and thus began the down of the happiest time of our life. So many of our friends and family are elated for us, just the same as they would be if I were marrying a man or if Kam were marrying a man. They see our love for what it is and are honored and excited to share in that. But that's certainly not everyone.
I told my best friend and had to wait for any sort of reaction and only got that when I asked for it, and reminded her that she hadn't responded. "I'm happy that you're happy." That may very well have been said with the best intentions but imagine saying that to your friend or sister when she tells you she's getting married. Or imagine your sister or friend saying that to you when you share your news. It doesn't actually feel like you're happy. And what about the fact that she is "leaning towards not being there on your wedding day." That doesn't feel like happiness either. And just as you're about to say that you're not interested in their conditional love, you remember how they were by your side when your best friend died suddenly in college, you remember how you were there by her side as her dad lie in the hospital during her senior open house, and how you fought over petty things but always had each other's back when it came down to it, how you always ended the fights because she was too stubborn to say she was sorry. These are the things that make her conditional love better than no love at all. And why I'll continue to pray that she'll be leaning the other way by July 10.
I've wanted to tell my Grandma for a long time but I haven't simply because I wasn't sure how my parents would feel about it. I've never doubted how Grandma would react and there's reason for that. Because, grandmas don't know conditional love. They are wiser than that. Maybe it's because they experienced conditional love at some point of their life, maybe it's just because they are smarter than the rest of us. I'm not sure why it is. My parents told my grandmother about me and Kathy the other night. And her response was just as I imagined. Sure, she probably doesn't fully understand all things lgbt, but she certainly understands me and knows me. For her, it's all about love. Her love for me and the love that I have to share with the world. Simple.
And so for every moment of pain and every "I'm happy that you're happy"s, there are so many more people that are happy with us, sharing our happiness with us in the most pure ways. Like when another best friend literally jumps up and down and hugs you so tight when you ask her to be a part of your special day. Or when your sister can't stop talking about the wedding and she's thousands of miles away. Or when your parents or aunts and uncles put aside whatever it is they don't understand to share in your happiness and ask all about the upcoming day. Or when Kam's nephews love me like my own niece and nephew do. For some reason, somewhere between 10 years old and 80 years old, we find ourselves so important that we begin to love others on our grounds and on our conditions, regardless of how that makes them feel. Instead of being happy for those closest to us, we make it about us and we distance ourselves. Why is it that young children and our grandparents love so much better than the rest of us? Perhaps there is something we can learn from them.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Are You There God? Its Me...KAM

I spent last night wide awake until 3 a.m. What was I doing, you ask? I couldn't sleep, so I was outlining my life from 2004 until the present for the book I'm going to write. No lie! Actually, I see the book ending in July 2010, when this whole chapter (no pun intended) of my life, I mean JOURNEY, ends with a wedding.

That's right! Save the date - July 10, 2010. There's going to be a wedding.

Back to the book. I was up last night experiencing every emotion from hatred to bliss. Reliving lots of events that have triggered a wide-range of hijinx and stories. I went from bouts of crying to hysterical laughter (my hotel neighbors think I'm a nut, I'm sure). And when I think about all of the crap and funny things I've been through since I came out, I've got quite a story to tell...I think.

The good and the bad news is that all of my faithful readers will be part of the book - Marla Makins, Kacia Larbee, Lange Grill...and so on. Start thinking about who you'd like to play you in the big screen version of the adaptation - I've already picked Minka Kelly for the young KAM and Kate Winslet for the more mature one. :)

Any good titles for the book? Or individual chapters you know need to be included?

Chapter 1 - {sing} You picked a fine time to leave me bitch, you slut
Chapter 11 - DeAnnoying, DeDumb, DeDrivamecrazy DeAlmostsisterinlawifyougaveourrelationshipanycredence
Chapter 15? - Best Day of My Life - July 10, 2010

Who knows what will happen, but I've always wanted to write a book and I feel in some way I've gone through all of this stuff for a reason...(outside of you, Lanae).

Friday, November 6, 2009

Today's Topics

Today I am going to write about random stuff – it has been a while since I blogged. This coupled with my travel to Sao Paulo has left with lots of time to think…and anyone that knows me knows that this means lots and lots of randomness. Here’s what I’m thinking about today.

Wedding stuff – let’s get this out of the way, since I don’t want to be that girl that has nothing outside of her wedding to talk about.
· This stuff is pretty easy, outside of the fact that we can’t get our church to commit to July 10th. I (we) have pretty much everything else ready to go. Dress – done. Flowers – done. Photographer – done. Reception – done. I have to ask for bridesmaids still and a DJ.
· Guests – I have to say, I think I speak for Lanae on this as well, but I’m going from one end of the spectrum to the other with the guest list and peoples reactions/responses. Overall, this has been such an affirming “thing”. Such an outpouring of support, kind wishes, genuine excitement, curiosity, etc. from my friends and family. It makes me feel that I did a very good job of picking my friends (maybe they picked me?). Then…I’m as equally surprised by the stupid and inane reactions, comments, and questions that are coming from some people’s mouths. At this point, I’d rather someone not come than have to hear about how OUR day is going to affect them. I have no doubt that once we get through the BS of people thinking it really matters if they show up, or not, the people that are going to be in attendance are going to make the day a blast. That is all I’ve ever wanted out of the day.

The best story of the month has got to be my sister’s recounting of my nephew’s reaction to finding out about Aunt Kathy and Lanae. If only everyone responded in this way. Trevor was very happy to know that Lanae was going to be part of the family. Colin was most worried about if he was going to get to wear a tux to the wedding…and if it was going to be around my pool. Kiernan hasn’t got the official “talk” yet I don’t think, but every time we see him he screams, “LANAE!!” and runs to her.

Sao Paulo:
- My first impression is that it is just full to the rim of people. Traffic is crazy. Everywhere you go its swarming with people.
- Our hotel is in a really nice section of town, which isn’t always the case with my company. I’m eating quite nicely as well. I will be poolside this weekend!
- Here’s where I think I might have a defect. In our rides to/from work, we go through some of the city slums. I’ve seen little kids walking through the slums unkempt and there also are dogs roaming freely. This morning I saw a dog pawing at another dog through a fence. It broke my heart. I have come to the realization that I feel worse for the dogs than the kids.

What else:
I was watching the movie ‘Ghost’ last night. How come he can walk through things and things pass through him, but he can stand on a second floor and he also doesn’t fall through the subway car? You’d think he’d always “fall” to the lowest point. Regardless, that is a great movie. “Molly, it’s awesome. You take the love with you”

Fort Hood – what this one guy (who knows if he’s attached to an extremist organization or acted alone) has done to American-Muslim relations will be astounding. All ethnicities, religions, orientations serve our country with such honor and this one guy will taint people of middle-east decent and Muslims that love their country.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I've been getting some questions - the cat is out of the bag.

Briefly, I am engaged. It went off without a hitch this weekend in Annecy, France. I couldn't be happier.

Pictures and stories to follow...hopefully once we're home - in person as this is so not the way I want to tell my friends/family. I am really excited though.

Monday, September 7, 2009

France - Week 1

I've been in France a week now. I'm actually starting to enjoy it. I mean really enjoy it.

I spent the day on Saturday in Cassis, France which is on the Mediterranean. A port town that is ideal for a romantic weekend away...not a 3 hour visit with a co-worker. For any of my readers to understand, you've have to be in my co-workers presence to fully appreciate what I went through. Let's suffice it to say that its possible he possesses 2 out of the 3 traits that most serial killers possess, plus a dash of OCD and a whole taste of conspiracy theorist. I have officially been able to turn my frustrations with him and his actions into a form of entertainment - well, most of the time.

Back to my weekend...Lyon really is a nice city. I've been able to get comfortable with getting around on the subway, which allowed me to spend yesterday (Sunday) in a cool part of the city eating, sightseeing and I even found a movie theater.

If my boss comes into town this upcoming weekend, I'll be sticking around. Otherwise, I'll probably take a train into Switzerland or may go to Aix En Provence...on a recommendation. The best weekend is when my girl comes into town for the last week and we spend the first weekend in Annecy. I am so excited. It looks like the perfect getaway. Until then, I have to work. Work always gets in the way of my vacations. :)

I hope everyone is enjoying their Labor Day. What I wouldn't do for some bbq and corn on-the-cob right about now.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

I Really Am Not a Fan of Fergie

Why is she rubbing up on a bunch of women in their new video?!?!? That is so 1993.

Does her London, London, London Bridge come down...? (love that song)

I'm up to 4+ hours of MTV a night in France. Not much English on the other stations. Help!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I made it to France…at it wasn’t/isn’t easy. I know some people have been waiting for me to give an update as to my status and want to know more. Unfortunately, I have been struggling to find internet access (since the foundry doesn’t have it!). I finally got access last night…and awoke this morning to awful news.

My good friend Foss’ dad died suddenly last night. Being so far away, I don’t know many of the details. This sucks! A really good friend of mine is dealing with such a tragedy and here I am…in France. I’ve been consumed with thinking about the Foss’ all morning…what would I do if I was there? How would I try to comfort her? I’ve figured out that all you can do is “be there” and if you’re needed, or see your spot to help out, you do it. In the instances where I’ve been close to someone or a family member of someone who died, there are always those people who make a difficult situation SO much easier by just being there. It really bothers me that I won’t be able to do that for Foss.
This is what stinks about my job. I can’t “be there”. Friends are supposed to be there at a drop of a hat to help each other out. You know someone for almost 25 years and due to a stupid job, you miss out on the really important moments. It is so frustrating to know that I won’t be able to go to the funeral of a really terrific guy, and to show my friend how much he meant to me and what she means to me. She’s got a million friends and a good support network, so I know she’ll make it through it. I just feel that this job gets in the way of my living a normal life sometimes. I’m not a outwardly caring person (I care, I just don’t always come across that way, and I’m not in your face about it), but I’m good in these moments…when I’m around. I feel awful I won’t be there. I feel worse about what the Foss’ are going through right now.

Friday, August 7, 2009

On Vacation

Will be back soon...

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Why do people insist on telling you that you look tired? It is a back door way of saying, “you look like crap”. Admittedly, I don’t look my best as I was required to be at work at 5 a.m. today, but to have the Admin. Assistant insult me in such a way is a real kicker. Who does that? Who sits there and thinks that is a conversation that anyone wants to be a part of?

Next time she has one of her Friday/Monday illnesses, I’m going to have to tell her that she looks awful upon her return. Its only fair.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Meet the Parents

Our parents finally met – it was really nice.

Our parents finally got to meet after 2 years of dating and it couldn’t have gone any better. Lanae’s parents stopped at our cottage to pick-up Lanae on their way to Mackinac Island. All-in-all, they spent about 1+ hour together, which included a boat ride around our lake and some general chit-chat.

When Lanae and I checked in with each other later in the night to compare notes, I shared how my parents were thrilled to see how “normal” and “everyday” Lanae’s parents were. Lanae’s dad was explaining to the rest of their family in Mackinac how they had met Lanae’s future in-laws.

I knew it would go well. Another item checked off the relationship checklist. Only a couple of things still looming at this point.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A Kiss is Just a Kiss

OAK HARBOR, WA-- One Washington state bride-to-be is making sure she shares a lot of firsts with her future husband, including her first kiss.
Rachel Welch says she decided at the age of 14 that she wasn't going to kiss any guy until she was married.
Welch met her fiancé Todd Ritter through their church youth group two years ago and the two got engaged last December. They will be tying the knot this July.
The 21-year-old says she and her fiancé show their affection by rubbing noses and giving hugs

I found this brief article while surfing the web today. I guess I was stunned at first glance at the headline, but after reading it and finding out she is only 21, I’m not as impressed as I was at first. Don’t get me wrong…to be 21 and never kissed is quite a feat. I understand those that want to maintain their virginity until marriage, but kissing?!?! Its one thing to not have the opportunity, but to have a boyfriend and to deny yourself the greatest thing in the world…that’s just….strange to me.

In reading the last sentence – that they show affection by rubbing noses and giving hugs, I was a little disgusted. Is that wrong? There is something unnatural about denying yourself wonderful things to prove a point (unless you are a monk, of course). Do they deny themselves of ice cream because it tastes so good? Do they deny themselves of kissing because its wrong and fills their mind with lust? Or because they (I guess its only her, since they’re mute on his past) want to “save” such an intimate moment for only each other. I get it…and I’d almost be thrilled if my kid went this track, but I’d be SO disturbed if I caught my daughter and her boyfriend rubbing noses. Gack! Plus, there are lot more things more intimate than a kiss…(side note: do I sound skanky?)

Kissing is…kissing. Its natural, fun and gives you the biggest clue as to whether or not you are compatible as a couple. It makes your stomach drop. Heck, I’m a self-professed “make-out queen” - since the mid-1980’s. If I got stuck marrying the first guy I kissed, I’d be a widow and I would’ve spent our years together with his tongue jammed down my throat moving in repetitive circles over and over. Was anyone’s first kiss enjoyable? And…I get it…they can work on it together, but why deny yourself in the first place. There’s just so much to like about kissing and its REALLY going to stink if they’re not good together. Practicing might be fun though. But still…rubbing noses?!?! I bet she goes to sleep on Holly Hobby sheets every night.

Friday, May 29, 2009

New Job

A few people have asked me recently if I could do “it” all over again, would I be a CPA/Accountant. No, I wouldn’t…although my career has afforded me lot of things and opportunities. Being an Internal Auditor as an off-shoot to CPA has worked out fairly well as far as interesting work (all things “financial” considered). Until 10 minutes ago, I couldn’t have told you something that I would’ve done instead…although I’ve always liked to think it would be something related to an entertainment-type field. However, I have finally figured out what I would love to do.

In some form or fashion, I think I’d like to be in the field of Sociology…I guess a Sociologist, of sorts. I spend so much of my days intrigued, perplexed, disgusted, or amazed by the way people act and why they do the things they do. I’m rather slow at work right now, so I’ve spent the majority of my morning today just kind of paying attention to the things going on around me. Plus, I’m always one to point out or question what people do…right, Lanae? I also REALLY enjoy a good social experiment from time-to-time.

Here is what I’ve encountered in the last few days or so alone:
1. Our administrative assistant who manages to work her health status into each and every conversation she has (in-person and phone). Its very similar to a weather update, but I think most people seem to care more about the weather.

2. A woman who entered the restroom after me today and before sitting down pulled about 15 yards of toilet paper off the roll and kind of wrapped the toilet seat in it before sitting down. (We have seat covers by the way).

3. My co-worker who has an Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (my diagnosis, of course…which would make me a Psychologist/Psychiatrist in addition to a Sociologist!). The way he interacts with our group is just amazing.

4. Blogging – why do we think anyone cares what we have to say?!? I won’t even get started on Twittering.

5. Family interactions – why do we (seem) to act different towards our families vs. society in general.

6. Hygiene habits – a full spectrum of things to make my stomach turn…I’ll spare you the details.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bad Luck is Still Luck

My disclaimer on this post is that I know I’m a very lucky person overall. Health, family, friends, etc.

However…my life has been one unlucky break after another since my return from Australia. The first thing was that my Intrigue was d-e-a-d…had to have the battery replaced. Due to the fact that I needed a car, I then pulled the Corvette out…only to find a puddle of fluid (later diagnosed as oil) on my garage floor.

Thurs - The Corvette was delivered to the dealer on my way to work (right across the street). I got an estimate for $266 – not as bad as I thought for an oil leak – wow, things were looking up! By noon that day, I had 4 missed calls from the dealer explaining an additional $550 in repairs that were needed for things that worked prior to delivering to the dealership (I swear!). I’m convinced they ripped me off and I hate that sense of not knowing enough about cars to know how badly I was ripped off. By the way, the dealer was kind enough to provide me with an estimate of $1,900 for the “dangerous” tires I was driving on.

Back to the Intrigue. The same night I brought the Corvette home, my dad replaced the Intrigue battery. Life was back to normal and I was only out about a $1,000. I resigned myself to not buying any Stanley Cup Playoff tickets after that spend.

On Friday and Saturday morning, we drove the Intrigue around a ton - to the Tiger game with my 7 year-old nephew, to Somerset and to Kmart. That’s where the joy ends. The thing died again in the Kmart parking lot. After calling AAA and getting it towed, it eventually got repaired (along with making the a/c functional after 2 yrs.) by a neighborhood mechanic for only a couple of hundred dollars more…plus a whole lot of aggravation.

Life was great again…until Tuesday morning that is. On my way into work from Ann Arbor in the Corvette, I got an error message “Service Active Handling”, which is a computerized way of providing for racecar skilled driving for Corvette owners. (my cruise control started dis-engaging on its own as well). I don’t really need active handling (or cruise for that matter), but due to the 4 hours of searching I did on it on the internet, there was warning after warning about serious malfunctions to the car if its not remedied. And guess what, its anywhere from $500-$1,500 to fix. I promptly called the stupid dealer because I KNOW that somehow, someway, their expert service caused these things to happen to my car. I let them get away with $550, but enough is enough. As you can imagine, the dealer thought I was a nutjob for accusing them of tampering (or making a mistake, uh-huh), causing these things to all go wrong at the same time. And I quote, “you are lucky these things are happening while at the dealership as compared to on the road”. You’ve got to be kidding. The warning message hasn’t come on again, so until it does, I’m considering it a glitch. In the meantime, I’m paying $1,100 for new tires – not through the dealer.

AND Finally, last night, I had a great time at the Tiger game. The weather was beautiful, Dontrelle Willis won, etc. On the way home, we stopped for gas and I put my cell phone (flipped open) on the top of the car. I thought to myself as I was pumping, I’d better not forget that phone….and guess what…I drove off with the phone on the roof – didn’t realize until almost 11:30 (an hour later) and we drove frantically back to the gas station. The whole way there, I was muttering about what an idiot I am, warning Lanae to get out while she still could, etc. We were just hoping to find the phone so that I didn’t have to deal with Verizon last night. Well…that damn thing was literally in the middle of the intersection of 2 major roads…still flipped open. We got in the left turn lane, I jumped out and got it while people honked behind us and took off. The phone is badly chipped and looks a mess, run over a couple of times, but Lanae got it to work. I can’t see who is calling, but it works! Having to spend an additional chunk of money was averted. Boy, aren’t I lucky?

Monday, May 4, 2009

My Weekend In Sydney

I spent my final weekend in Sydney, Australia. I have to say it has the potential to be one of the best cities that I've ever been in. Lots to do, beautiful scenery, tons of restaurants and bars, and beautiful people (I guess the could have been put into the scenery category).

For some reason I took the 6 a.m. flight out of Melbourne which got me to Sydney by 8:30 a.m. How stupid am I? Needless to say, I had a full day ahead of me.

Side note: Best quote of the trip was at the gate at the Melbourne airport. "She's such a dick when she drinks. I can't stand her!". I think these girls were at the airport on their way home from the skank bar...if you know what I'm saying.
But back to my trip. I spent all of Saturday hanging around Darling Harbour. Really...nothing more than hanging around. I eventually took myself for a fantastic steak dinner overlooking the harbour. I was in bed very early.

On Saturday, I climbed the Sydney Harbour Bridge! It was fantastic and challenging - my legs are still killing me. It was so picturesque. Absolutely breathtaking. I spent the rest of the day walking through The Rocks and along the harbour where the Sydney Opera House is located. I took a ferry to Bondi Beach and through the harbours. There was an upscale craft/art fair/farmers market in The Rocks..and I kid you not...I ate a buttered corn-on-the-cob that was the best thing ever. I probably scared the people sitting near me, but I scarfed that down like I hadn't eaten in days.

I spent Sunday walking through the botannical gardens and found a German biergarten for lunch and again...just enjoyed the scenery. What a beautiful city. I recommend it for anyone...and it could be one of the most romantic spots. Luckily, I find myself to be pretty good company, or it could've gotten me down.

As fantastic as this trip has been, I am SO EXCITED to come home. I always say that traveling the world (especially on your own) can be exciting, challenging, lonely, fantastic...all at the same time, while also making you put your own life into perspective. Spending a month with no one to talk to, no one to eat with, no one to touch, is one of the strangest experiences ever. To spend a month in my own head is bizarre and a chance to take stock CONSTANTLY. It makes me tired. To sit at a table and order a real meal (it'd be easy to eat alone in your hotel room) and not rely on a book to keep you company while people stare at you is somewhat inspiring, while also freightening and sometimes lonely.

Another side note: I've figured out that with all of the couples that travel the world, they purposely look for the single person that would be willing to take their picture together. I must've taken 30 pictures for people. And I made it a point to take good, meaningful pictures. I should've charged them.

Anyway, in less less than 2 days I start my 3-day journey home. I'm excited because I found out I can get a day visa in Singapore, so I'll be able to explore as compared to spending 14 hours in the airport. I'm also going to look into upgrading to first class on the Tokyo-Detroit flight...15,000 miles...and I'm a cheap son-of-a-gun with my miles.

I can't wait to see my girl, my family, friends....and KATIE!!!! The only thing is you'll have to forgive me because if you recall, I haven't talked to anyone, touched anyone, or eaten with anyone. I hope I can handle the sensory overload. I've missed you all.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Complaint #1312

Here I am complaining again, but the hotel drycleaners (I'll go out on a limb and call them this since that's what they seem to think they are) have destroyed my clothes. My nice clothes.

I'm sitting here at work unable to bring my lovely Lacoste sweater anywhere near may face. (Which is hard, let me tell you, because its on my torso and arms.) There are so many dry cleaning chemicals that have saturated my sweater that the smell is killing me. I knew this when I put the darn thing on this morning, but I only brought enough outfits to make it through a week at a time. I thought the air would help to diminish the chemicals, but I sit here at 5pm on the verge of either a headache or a buzz after smelling this stench all day.

Everything else had better not smell this way, but they've also burned the shit out of my clothes by obviously washing them in hot water and scorching them with the iron. They didn't even match up my socks! *gasp*

For 3 sweaters and 3 pairs of pants, I paid $69! That's over $10 per item only to have them ruined. I could cry. Honestly...I need 2 wardrobes. One full of nice clothes to have at home, and another full of worn-out, mis-shapen articles to take on the road. Because at this point, I'm adding up all of the money spent on these clothes that look like shit. Oh, and I smell like a paint factory.

I'm Not an Economist, Part of the WHO, or a Journalist

Economic stimulus, recession, bailouts, swine flu. Its like a broken record.

They wonder why TV news viewership and newspaper circulations are down. Its because we can't catch a break.

Its like you're always waiting for the other shoe to drop. First, we've got people in financial ruin, losing jobs and their money. And now, people are afraid for their health.

History has shown that these things are cyclical, but I can't help wonder if its a self-fulfilling prophecy (the economic side). Bad news promotes poor reactions, which promotes bad behaviors,which leads to more bad news.......

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Feeling Homesick...and Now I'm Going to Get Over It

Phone calls, emails, webcam, etc. just isn't cutting it. I miss my girl. Let's see...12 more days, 3 of which will be in Sydney, so I'll be distracted. As much as I love to travel and should be struck down for bitching about it, its HARD to be away. You realize that life goes on and you have nothing to contribute towards it...and vice versa.

I think I just need a hug. :)

Weekend #2 in Australia

I had another great tour this Saturday. This time I went to a number of "animal" attractions, mainly on Phillip Island outside of Melbourne (about 1.5 hours away). The main attraction was the Penguin Experience, which is being able to sit on a beach and watch the penguin wash ashore and head to their huts (some 1.5km away from the beach!). It was great to see, but of course there was a "Morgan Curse" added to the whole event and I got to sit on the beach in the pouring rain the whole time. About 150 penguins arrived; the night before there were almost 800. A bit disappointed, but how can I be when I got to experience something so cool and different from anything else?!?! We couldn't take pictures of the penguins, so I had to buy some. I'll scan later.

Otherwise, I saw/fed Kangaroos. Koalas. The whole Australia experience, including Dingoes which literally look like dogs.

The absolute highlight was spending 45 mins. with a Clydesdale horse. I know nothing about horses, have only been on one once, but this was awesome. It was at a heritage farm and as soon as I went up to the pen, the horse came over. I have to admit, I was a bit scared at first - do they bite? But it was just amazing. I was a little emotional during it to be honest (I might know why now), but I loved that horse! Weird. Who would've ever thought. Plus, the woman who took my pic with the horse invited me to join her family for the rest of the tour. I declined, but how nice!

Overall, another great day. Pictures are posted on Facebook, but here's one of me and my "love".

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Miss California

I obviously don’t agree with Miss California. And to be honest, I am so happy I’m out of the country so I don’t have to deal with Hollywood or some just as obnoxious person(s) on the other side of the issue on CNN for the next week. But, when de we stop allowing people to disagree with us?

What really bothers me is this. This woman was asked about Gay Marriage in a beauty pageant of all places, and she responded with HER opinion. *Gasp*. First of all, what did people think was going to happen with such a polarizing/politicized question being asked? Secondly, when did people lose their right to express their opinions? We’re not in Iran! Thirdly, to be dumped upon like this poor girl has, is just a shame. Give Miss California a break.

My prediction is this. We as a country are so caught up in what we think is right, is right, that we are about a stones throw away from someone being beaten and/or killed for their beliefs. And I don’t mean this in a MLK Jr. or Matthew Shepard kind of way, I mean this is going to happen in a neighborhood or something.

Police: Ma’am, why did you kill your neighbor?
Woman: Because she didn’t agree with me; she agreed with Miss California.

People are going to start hunting each other down for having a differing opinion. The amount of hate that is generated towards people for just having the opposite opinion is staggering. And while I’m not old, nor am I young (keep your comments to yourself), I don’t think I’ve seen such hostility. Ever. I mean red-faced, spitting mad hostility. Christians and Republicans get dumped on for their ideals and for being socially unjust - a lot of it deserved, but this is a street that definitely runs in both directions. This woman is getting yelled at for “hating”, by a bunch of people that are “hating” right back. Oh, but I forgot…they're righteous in their hating…my bad.

I fear for Miss California’s safety. Have we lost our minds? Don’t get me wrong - its nice to have people support me and causes that are dear to me, but if this is how the supporters are going to fight, I’ll take my chances on my own. The end doesn’t justify the means.

What Miss California said echoes the sentiments of over 50% of her own states population…and I won’t even go into my tirade about how it would be more if people could voice their vote/opinion without anyone knowing their identity…but I digress. If you don’t agree with her, don’t vote for her for Miss USA. If you don’t agree with her, don’t have her over for dinner. If you don’t agree with her and you ever have the chance to talk to her, maybe try to convince her through discussion. For God’s sake, let’s let people have their own opinions. Imagine how dull it would be if we all had (or were forced) to agree on everything.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Pizza Mate

It only took 28 minutes and who knows what will actually be delivered...but I think I just successfully ordered a pizza from Dominos in Australia. Chalk one up for the little guys.

This traveling thing is glamourous, isn't it?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Australia - Update #2

Hi everyone...or all 3 of you that read this.

I've had a few requests to post some pictures of Melbourne/etc., so here they are. If I'm your friend on Facebook by chance, I've posted an album of pictures from my day tour of The Great Ocean Road - check them out.

The pictures are of my hotel, the Melbourne Waterfront, and a picture of The Great Ocean Road. Outside of the tour yesterday, I spent most of today exploring the city. To be honest, its another city. Don't get me wrong, there are some fantastic things about cities, but they've started to look the same to me. The day trips on the other hand...that's what separates these trips...and yesterday was awesome. I go on another trip next Saturday, so I'm excited.
This weekend, I've walked probably 20-25 miles. I'm sweating to death and all of the Melbourne-ites are wearing Fall jackets. What's up with that. My walk tonight was to an Italian restaurant that my friend Steve suggested from when he and his wife visited here. Very good! I got the lasagna...unlike any I've had before. Stock full of carrots. You probably could've heard the groan back home when it arrived at my table, but it was really good.
I think I'm finally over my cold. Yay! It was a pretty rough week. Now, I'm going to work my butt off this week so that I can let up towards the end.
I hope everyone is doing well. Miss you all.
Karla - still no kangaroos...although I see them on the menus here - gross. I did see koala bears, a fox and a porcupine.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


On my way home from work yesterday, I saw a woman get hit by a car. Yes, literally. It was the most disturbing and violent thing I have ever seen.

I was in my taxi van and I noticed this woman in a rush getting ready to cross the street. She took a step into the road and then noticed a car coming and tried to get back on the curb. Needless to say, she didn't make it in time. All the way in my cab, the next lane over, I heard a large thud and watched her get thrown into the street. I screamed and covered my eyes.

When I eventually opened my eyes to look out the window, I saw that she was getting up and talking. That was shocking! Maybe she's fine, maybe she was on an adrenaline rush, but I hope someone made her go to the hospital.

I can't get the vision or the sound out of my head.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Australia - The First Few Days

I made it!

22 of the 29 hours flying were no big deal...almost enjoyable. God bless Ambien.

I arrived in Melbourne on Monday night at about 8pm and found myself staying in a really cute hotel. You can tell at one point in time it was a classic building and recently it was changed to a somewhat modern hotel. I'm pretty excited because given the length of my stay, they are going to move me into an Executive room, which hopefully means more space...maybe even a fridge.

Other than last night, I haven't had an opportunity to look around the city much. I covered a few miles last night and have figured out that I'm in a rather beautiful, but lame part of town. My hotel is near a number of government buildings, bank HQ's, and the like, which means that almost everything closes at 6pm. Tonight I am going to investigate the tram system to see if I can get around town without hassle. I've decided not to get a rental car given the amount of traffic and confusion (wrong side of car, wrong side of road)...don't need to put my life and others at risk.

The plant is quite small. Its situated in a subdivision, of all things. Strange. My lunch choice is a "take-away" across the street. To give you an idea of the food choices there, today I ate a battered potato pancake. Can't say it was great, but it filled me up. It reminds me a lot of South Africa when I was at a plant there.

I've decided that I'm going to spend 2 weekends in/near Melbourne and 1 in Sydney (even though the ornery cab driver told me Sydney was a waste of time...especially since I live near the Great Lakes). This weekend, I'll be going to Phillip Island with a day of exploring the city. Next weekend with be a trip on the Great Ocean Road....all coordinated through a coach tour company. I'm very excited.

Now...I have to start taking pictures. Hopefully I'll have some the next time I post.

Only bad news is that once I hit Singapore, my allergies have gone berzerk. Its miserable...and of course its hard to get medication when things are only open until 6. I'm going to leave a bit early today to get some meds...don't need to ruin any of this trip by not feeling well.

More later. Bye.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday

I had a fantastic Good Friday. Tigers Opening Day with so many good friends, family and the girl.

I leave tomorrow for Australia...for four weeks. While I'm excited, there will be a lot that I miss out on. Be sure to drop me a line through email or this blog, I guess. I will be ahead 14 hours.

Have a good month and I'll try to keep you up-to-date on my Australian adventure(s).

Monday, April 6, 2009


I ended up in 70th place after an amazing free-fall in my NCAA bracket. MSU is choking right now, but I thought it would've happened WAY sooner.

For the record, my co-worker is kicking my butt by 40 spots. Darn!

Next time I am picking my bracket by uniform color/style. UNC has a nice argyle pattern on theirs.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


An article from the front page of the Detroit News…actually found it on Drudge. Some retired guy from Detroit is supplementing his income and his freezer by hunting and then selling raccoons.

Last month (or maybe earlier) there was a news story that hit all of the major news outlets about a guy that was found head first, up to his knees, frozen in a giant puddle in an abandoned house or warehouse. See link attached

I don’t even know what to say. I used to think people exaggerated the amount of bad press that the City of Detroit/Metro Detroit received, but day-after-day it’s the same God awful news. Bailouts, unemployment, Detroit turning into a wasteland, being one of the fattest cities in the U.S., raccoon hunters, frozen homeless men.

When I was a little kid, I remember there was an advertising/PR campaign “Say Nice Things About Detroit”. No one does these days. I love this city. We just need a break and some positive news – maybe something good will come from the Final Four events this weekend.

I got kind of emotional today. I had to pick up my season Tiger tickets and I passed the first highway built in the U.S., I saw the GM Building, a guy begging with a sign that said “unemployed auto worker”. I’m tired of it. We are hardworking people and we introduced the automobile to the country and to the rest of the world. Sure, the Big 3 hasn’t done themselves many favors over their run, but manufacturing “things” is what we (Detroiters/Americans) do.

If anyone is thinking of buying a car, please buy American…Detroit and its workers could use it.

Non-Existent Words - Volume 2

CONVERSATE is not a word. Its not a word...even if Beyonce uses it in a song.

On a side note, if I could move my ass like Beyonce does, my life would be SO much better.

Friday, March 20, 2009

March is Maddening

Sexism. Chauvinism. Whatever you want to call it…I experienced it in a big way today.

I am currently in 2nd place (out of 82) for our office NCAA Basketball Bracket. An email went around today and the top 3 point earners were listed. While most of my colleagues came over and gave me grief (because last week I won 1st place in the Big Ten Bracket), I had one co-worker who took it to the next level.

He said…and I quote, “Its always someone like you that wins these things”. My chin dropped to the ground and I immediately called him out on his meaning - that some stupid girl was winning. Winning – not because of my sports knowledge or prowess, but because I got lucky. Or maybe because I was picking the teams based on the cuteness factor of the coach or the mascot…or even the color of the uniforms. God forbid should a girl actually know something about sports.

I promptly told him that I knew way more about sports than he did; challenged him to a quiz. I also cursed him in my typical fashion. I told him that I wished he and his wife would have one more baby…a girl. I wished that that girl would grow up to be either a waitress or a stripper, because that’s all us girls are good for. I then realized, she could be a Hooters girl and really make it to the top of a woman’s profession.

No apology. No recognition that what he did was wrong or at least in poor taste/judgment. Just a bright red face and he hasn’t left his cube all morning.

While I don’t expect to win the bracket, I just hope I demolish my co-worker. I’m sure he really had no intent of being a sexist, based on his face when I ripped into him. However, I’m tired of putting up with people’s crap.

To add to my irritation, I went to a meeting afterwards with the executives of our Finance organization…6 men and 0 women. Ugh.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


My idol, Belinda Carlisle, has been kicked off Dancing With the Stars!

It was all supposed to go down like this:

  1. Belinda dances her ass off - gets into the greatest shape of her life

  2. She is recognized as America's Sweetheart (again)

  3. The Go-Go's regroup and are on-top of the charts (again)

  4. A world-tour takes place

  5. Belinda recognizes my devotion as a fan for the last 25-30 years and I tour the world with the Go-Go's. I even get to play drums (I'd settle for tambourine) at a few shows

Another dream of mine...shattered. Not only that, she was the first contestant kicked off. If any of you voted for Denise Richards or those other 3 people that no one even knows, you should be ashamed of yourself. I guess I never actually watched the show and I did try to vote for Belinda, but the line was busy, so I gave up. And while she may not be the best dancer, Belinda developed a dance that all of us 80's girls do - next time you see me, I'll show you.

Monday, March 9, 2009

A Land Down Under

I'm spending a month in Australia. Yes, feel pity for me (see previous posts on the joys of travel). I'm very excited! The only question is...are there any Dr.'s out there reading this post? If so, can you prescribe some really good drugs to help me make it through the 29 hours of flying in coach? Nothing that will make me I do have an additional 12 hours of layovers.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Vegas, Baby!

On Friday, I leave for a trip to Las Vegas – a long weekend. I am so excited…for so many reasons.
1) Time with my girl
2) Her friends are going, so that makes me the 5th wheel. That means I have no planning responsibility whatsoever for outings, etc. I can just “be”. I can just “go with the flow”
3) No work
4) Warm(er) weather – is anyone as tired of the ugly snow and cold temps. as me?
5) People watching and sightseeing
6) I have never been to Vegas. Considering that this is a pleasure-trip, I can treat this as a vacation. I mean, I get to go to some pretty cool trips for work, but make no mistake…I’m there for work - work is always looming. On this trip, the only thing I need to worry about is making sure I’m on the flight home.
7) No laptop as my carry-on. It may surprise you, but that thing causes so much grief. Do I have it? Taking it out of the bag. Going through security. Putting it back into the bag. Do I have it?

The only thing that would make this trip better is if I won some big bucks while there. That may prove to be a bit of a problem considering I don’t know how to play any games…and the thought of sitting at a table is intimidating.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Non-Existent Words

There is no such word as "reoccurring". I cannot tell you how many times I've corrected work submitted to me with that word in it.

Maybe I'm the grammar police or a snob. I do remember the days when I had to train myself not to end a sentence with "at", but poor grammar drives me batty. I've pointed this out to an employee for the third time today. I need to chill.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Chivalry is Dead

I travel quite a bit for work; the last month specifically traveling between Detroit and Monterrey, Mexico. I’ve gotten to the point where the whole hassle of the airport (checking-in bags, waiting in TSA lines, etc.) really doesn’t bother me. I always make sure to leave myself enough time to breezily walk to my gate, pick-up People Magazine, etc.

However, I’ve spent the last month going back and forth with the same group of guys. And when I say guys, I mean guys. The flight must be 90% men. I’m not going to lie – usually that means that I have people helping me with my bags, etc. NOT THIS TRIP!

I have literally been elbowed, hipped back into my seat, and yelled at for cutting in-line (BTW…I didn’t). The best thing is that the way things work here in Mexico is that they take you from the gate on a bus to your plane, so if you’re the first on the bus, you’re the last on the plane. Oh, sweet justice. So, to that man that practically tackled me to get through security, I heard what row you were in and I purposely put my bags in your overhead compartment…I was the 2nd person on the plane, afterall. Oh, sweet justice.

Is it wrong that I entertain myself to the detriment of my fellow travelers? I just get a kick out of people that act like the 30 seconds of time they save by being the first out of their seat and running onto/out of the plane is of utmost importance.

Had this group been on the Titantic, babies and women would’ve been thrown overboard in a heartbeat. For sure!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Matthew 7:1

Ok, people…breathe. Let’s acknowledge today for what it represents. History. History in the fact that an African American (and first overall minority) has been sworn in as President.

But let’s not forget the rest of the history that is being made today. For the 43rd consecutive time, there has been a peaceful transition between the President and President-Elect or VP. We are envied throughout the world for our peaceful transitions; the ways in which we move between political parties and support our president.

Stop! Support our President? Absolutely not. I am so outraged by the amount of disrespect aimed at President Bush as he leaves the White House. And don’t start commenting about how it goes both ways…I know. I’m just surprised by the manner in which many of my friends are reacting to this. Follow Obama’s lead and look forward to the future…why do you have to be so mean?

Enjoy this wonderful day of Obama’s inauguration. It’s a day of celebration and we should all be celebrating…especially if he was your candidate. We should be celebrating another example of how great this country is and how it works. But this kicking Pres. Bush as he’s exiting is just ridiculous to me. Maybe he wasn’t your “guy”, but I find it hard to believe that you wouldn’t see a guy that worked hard, sacrificed, made difficult decisions and put his life on hold to fulfill his duty/service to the country. He said funny words, he openly discussed his faith, he was scared of another terrorist attack under his watch – all qualities that I think we should admire in our leader(s).

I know…it’s a prestigious office and there are many rewards/perks of it, but its also endless hours, worries, etc. And while they serve in various ways, the President (or at least the office) deserves respect. They serve the people of the U.S. and they are fairly/justly elected (and don’t you dare bring up FL). We all don’t have to agree and I see some glaring differences of opinion between myself and President Obama, but no matter what he is my president and I will support him.

I am so sick of traveling around the world and seeing/hearing Americans put down our President. I’m tired of it. Its not cute, its not funny, its not right.

Friday, January 16, 2009

By George!!

What in the world has happened to Boy George? Seriously…I remember when I was in junior high I thought he was as pretty as any woman around. Sure…he had on way too much make-up and wore a mu-mu, but he was still rather attractive. I was 12…give me a break. There were even debates as to whether he was really a man or not.

As detailed in the Boy George’s auto-biography ‘Take it Like a Man’ (which I do own - it was $5 in a clearance bin – good cottage reading), he has had a long history of drug problems. REALLY? I guess being a drug fiend makes you handcuff an escort to your bedroom wall and beat him. He was just sentenced to 15 months in jail for this offense.

Regardless, look at what he looks like now. There is no way he could be mistaken for a woman, no matter how much make-up.

Three questions remain. #1 - Is Boy George SO NOT famous that he has to pay almost $500 to have a date/escort. Seriously folks, we have people in the U.S. beating each other in an effort to date Flavor Flav while poor George must pay for it. #2 – Is the Star of David on top of Boy’s head to provide the Israeli military with a marker to land? #3 – Is there any better title for an auto-biography of Boy George than ‘Take it Like a Man’? If anyone wants to borrow it, just let me know. I can’t wait for the sequel. What should the sequel's title be? Maybe...I'll Tumble for Your...drugs. (groan)

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Not a big fan of Mitch Albom usually, but this article is fantastic. Thanks, Lu.

Come on Opening Day!!