Friday, March 20, 2009

March is Maddening

Sexism. Chauvinism. Whatever you want to call it…I experienced it in a big way today.

I am currently in 2nd place (out of 82) for our office NCAA Basketball Bracket. An email went around today and the top 3 point earners were listed. While most of my colleagues came over and gave me grief (because last week I won 1st place in the Big Ten Bracket), I had one co-worker who took it to the next level.

He said…and I quote, “Its always someone like you that wins these things”. My chin dropped to the ground and I immediately called him out on his meaning - that some stupid girl was winning. Winning – not because of my sports knowledge or prowess, but because I got lucky. Or maybe because I was picking the teams based on the cuteness factor of the coach or the mascot…or even the color of the uniforms. God forbid should a girl actually know something about sports.

I promptly told him that I knew way more about sports than he did; challenged him to a quiz. I also cursed him in my typical fashion. I told him that I wished he and his wife would have one more baby…a girl. I wished that that girl would grow up to be either a waitress or a stripper, because that’s all us girls are good for. I then realized, she could be a Hooters girl and really make it to the top of a woman’s profession.

No apology. No recognition that what he did was wrong or at least in poor taste/judgment. Just a bright red face and he hasn’t left his cube all morning.

While I don’t expect to win the bracket, I just hope I demolish my co-worker. I’m sure he really had no intent of being a sexist, based on his face when I ripped into him. However, I’m tired of putting up with people’s crap.

To add to my irritation, I went to a meeting afterwards with the executives of our Finance organization…6 men and 0 women. Ugh.


Kristen said...

Omg, did you really tell him you hoped he had a girl so she could grow up to be a stripper?

That's brilliant.

Karla said...

Can you come and talk to some of my co-workers for me??

kam said...

KP - Yes, I really used the stripper curse. It felt good!

Karla - I'm at your service. :) Maybe I could give speeches as the angry woman. It would be my schtick.