Friday, November 6, 2009

Today's Topics

Today I am going to write about random stuff – it has been a while since I blogged. This coupled with my travel to Sao Paulo has left with lots of time to think…and anyone that knows me knows that this means lots and lots of randomness. Here’s what I’m thinking about today.

Wedding stuff – let’s get this out of the way, since I don’t want to be that girl that has nothing outside of her wedding to talk about.
· This stuff is pretty easy, outside of the fact that we can’t get our church to commit to July 10th. I (we) have pretty much everything else ready to go. Dress – done. Flowers – done. Photographer – done. Reception – done. I have to ask for bridesmaids still and a DJ.
· Guests – I have to say, I think I speak for Lanae on this as well, but I’m going from one end of the spectrum to the other with the guest list and peoples reactions/responses. Overall, this has been such an affirming “thing”. Such an outpouring of support, kind wishes, genuine excitement, curiosity, etc. from my friends and family. It makes me feel that I did a very good job of picking my friends (maybe they picked me?). Then…I’m as equally surprised by the stupid and inane reactions, comments, and questions that are coming from some people’s mouths. At this point, I’d rather someone not come than have to hear about how OUR day is going to affect them. I have no doubt that once we get through the BS of people thinking it really matters if they show up, or not, the people that are going to be in attendance are going to make the day a blast. That is all I’ve ever wanted out of the day.

The best story of the month has got to be my sister’s recounting of my nephew’s reaction to finding out about Aunt Kathy and Lanae. If only everyone responded in this way. Trevor was very happy to know that Lanae was going to be part of the family. Colin was most worried about if he was going to get to wear a tux to the wedding…and if it was going to be around my pool. Kiernan hasn’t got the official “talk” yet I don’t think, but every time we see him he screams, “LANAE!!” and runs to her.

Sao Paulo:
- My first impression is that it is just full to the rim of people. Traffic is crazy. Everywhere you go its swarming with people.
- Our hotel is in a really nice section of town, which isn’t always the case with my company. I’m eating quite nicely as well. I will be poolside this weekend!
- Here’s where I think I might have a defect. In our rides to/from work, we go through some of the city slums. I’ve seen little kids walking through the slums unkempt and there also are dogs roaming freely. This morning I saw a dog pawing at another dog through a fence. It broke my heart. I have come to the realization that I feel worse for the dogs than the kids.

What else:
I was watching the movie ‘Ghost’ last night. How come he can walk through things and things pass through him, but he can stand on a second floor and he also doesn’t fall through the subway car? You’d think he’d always “fall” to the lowest point. Regardless, that is a great movie. “Molly, it’s awesome. You take the love with you”

Fort Hood – what this one guy (who knows if he’s attached to an extremist organization or acted alone) has done to American-Muslim relations will be astounding. All ethnicities, religions, orientations serve our country with such honor and this one guy will taint people of middle-east decent and Muslims that love their country.


Lesley said...

Dear KAM,

I heart you and your random thoughts. Keep 'em coming!



Anonymous said...

Kiernan got the talk a loooong time ago. I asked you if it was OK to tell him, and right after you said yes I told him. Didn't faze him in the least, but I've always talked openly about gays and lesbians. He knows about the wedding too!


Karen said...

Aren't kids great? Much easier than adults and never as judging.

Kristen said...

Please feel free to send any haters/dissenters my way, as I will make them cry with my intellectual banter and utter disgust at the hate/judgment that they carry in their hearts. I do not tolerate that nonsense.


kam said...

Thanks, guys. Honestly, if I could get a couple of people your way, I'd do it in a heartbeat.