Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Matthew 7:1

Ok, people…breathe. Let’s acknowledge today for what it represents. History. History in the fact that an African American (and first overall minority) has been sworn in as President.

But let’s not forget the rest of the history that is being made today. For the 43rd consecutive time, there has been a peaceful transition between the President and President-Elect or VP. We are envied throughout the world for our peaceful transitions; the ways in which we move between political parties and support our president.

Stop! Support our President? Absolutely not. I am so outraged by the amount of disrespect aimed at President Bush as he leaves the White House. And don’t start commenting about how it goes both ways…I know. I’m just surprised by the manner in which many of my friends are reacting to this. Follow Obama’s lead and look forward to the future…why do you have to be so mean?

Enjoy this wonderful day of Obama’s inauguration. It’s a day of celebration and we should all be celebrating…especially if he was your candidate. We should be celebrating another example of how great this country is and how it works. But this kicking Pres. Bush as he’s exiting is just ridiculous to me. Maybe he wasn’t your “guy”, but I find it hard to believe that you wouldn’t see a guy that worked hard, sacrificed, made difficult decisions and put his life on hold to fulfill his duty/service to the country. He said funny words, he openly discussed his faith, he was scared of another terrorist attack under his watch – all qualities that I think we should admire in our leader(s).

I know…it’s a prestigious office and there are many rewards/perks of it, but its also endless hours, worries, etc. And while they serve in various ways, the President (or at least the office) deserves respect. They serve the people of the U.S. and they are fairly/justly elected (and don’t you dare bring up FL). We all don’t have to agree and I see some glaring differences of opinion between myself and President Obama, but no matter what he is my president and I will support him.

I am so sick of traveling around the world and seeing/hearing Americans put down our President. I’m tired of it. Its not cute, its not funny, its not right.


Lesley said...

Amen. God bless you for clearly stating thoughts that I sometimes struggle to express. Couldn't agree with you more. :)

Kristen said...

I respect the office! I do not agree with many of GWB's decisions and beliefs, but I would never boo the man. That's tacky. Like President Obama (and excuse me for LOVING to type that/say that/think of that, but I'm sure you can imagine how happy it makes me feel!) took from Corinthians, "when I became a man, I gave up childish ways". Let's all be a little mature!