Friday, March 20, 2009

March is Maddening

Sexism. Chauvinism. Whatever you want to call it…I experienced it in a big way today.

I am currently in 2nd place (out of 82) for our office NCAA Basketball Bracket. An email went around today and the top 3 point earners were listed. While most of my colleagues came over and gave me grief (because last week I won 1st place in the Big Ten Bracket), I had one co-worker who took it to the next level.

He said…and I quote, “Its always someone like you that wins these things”. My chin dropped to the ground and I immediately called him out on his meaning - that some stupid girl was winning. Winning – not because of my sports knowledge or prowess, but because I got lucky. Or maybe because I was picking the teams based on the cuteness factor of the coach or the mascot…or even the color of the uniforms. God forbid should a girl actually know something about sports.

I promptly told him that I knew way more about sports than he did; challenged him to a quiz. I also cursed him in my typical fashion. I told him that I wished he and his wife would have one more baby…a girl. I wished that that girl would grow up to be either a waitress or a stripper, because that’s all us girls are good for. I then realized, she could be a Hooters girl and really make it to the top of a woman’s profession.

No apology. No recognition that what he did was wrong or at least in poor taste/judgment. Just a bright red face and he hasn’t left his cube all morning.

While I don’t expect to win the bracket, I just hope I demolish my co-worker. I’m sure he really had no intent of being a sexist, based on his face when I ripped into him. However, I’m tired of putting up with people’s crap.

To add to my irritation, I went to a meeting afterwards with the executives of our Finance organization…6 men and 0 women. Ugh.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


My idol, Belinda Carlisle, has been kicked off Dancing With the Stars!

It was all supposed to go down like this:

  1. Belinda dances her ass off - gets into the greatest shape of her life

  2. She is recognized as America's Sweetheart (again)

  3. The Go-Go's regroup and are on-top of the charts (again)

  4. A world-tour takes place

  5. Belinda recognizes my devotion as a fan for the last 25-30 years and I tour the world with the Go-Go's. I even get to play drums (I'd settle for tambourine) at a few shows

Another dream of mine...shattered. Not only that, she was the first contestant kicked off. If any of you voted for Denise Richards or those other 3 people that no one even knows, you should be ashamed of yourself. I guess I never actually watched the show and I did try to vote for Belinda, but the line was busy, so I gave up. And while she may not be the best dancer, Belinda developed a dance that all of us 80's girls do - next time you see me, I'll show you.

Monday, March 9, 2009

A Land Down Under

I'm spending a month in Australia. Yes, feel pity for me (see previous posts on the joys of travel). I'm very excited! The only question is...are there any Dr.'s out there reading this post? If so, can you prescribe some really good drugs to help me make it through the 29 hours of flying in coach? Nothing that will make me I do have an additional 12 hours of layovers.