Monday, September 7, 2009

France - Week 1

I've been in France a week now. I'm actually starting to enjoy it. I mean really enjoy it.

I spent the day on Saturday in Cassis, France which is on the Mediterranean. A port town that is ideal for a romantic weekend away...not a 3 hour visit with a co-worker. For any of my readers to understand, you've have to be in my co-workers presence to fully appreciate what I went through. Let's suffice it to say that its possible he possesses 2 out of the 3 traits that most serial killers possess, plus a dash of OCD and a whole taste of conspiracy theorist. I have officially been able to turn my frustrations with him and his actions into a form of entertainment - well, most of the time.

Back to my weekend...Lyon really is a nice city. I've been able to get comfortable with getting around on the subway, which allowed me to spend yesterday (Sunday) in a cool part of the city eating, sightseeing and I even found a movie theater.

If my boss comes into town this upcoming weekend, I'll be sticking around. Otherwise, I'll probably take a train into Switzerland or may go to Aix En Provence...on a recommendation. The best weekend is when my girl comes into town for the last week and we spend the first weekend in Annecy. I am so excited. It looks like the perfect getaway. Until then, I have to work. Work always gets in the way of my vacations. :)

I hope everyone is enjoying their Labor Day. What I wouldn't do for some bbq and corn on-the-cob right about now.


Unknown said...

You must get to Aix! Karen and I went to school's a beautiful city! You can find a great spot at Les Deux Magots and people-watch all day...

Lanae said...

Why does it take me a week to realize you've updated??? A perfect getaway - I cannot wait. Looking forward to seeing you and experiencing France with you. Oh yea, and delivering your Frankenberries to you :)