Friday, May 29, 2009

New Job

A few people have asked me recently if I could do “it” all over again, would I be a CPA/Accountant. No, I wouldn’t…although my career has afforded me lot of things and opportunities. Being an Internal Auditor as an off-shoot to CPA has worked out fairly well as far as interesting work (all things “financial” considered). Until 10 minutes ago, I couldn’t have told you something that I would’ve done instead…although I’ve always liked to think it would be something related to an entertainment-type field. However, I have finally figured out what I would love to do.

In some form or fashion, I think I’d like to be in the field of Sociology…I guess a Sociologist, of sorts. I spend so much of my days intrigued, perplexed, disgusted, or amazed by the way people act and why they do the things they do. I’m rather slow at work right now, so I’ve spent the majority of my morning today just kind of paying attention to the things going on around me. Plus, I’m always one to point out or question what people do…right, Lanae? I also REALLY enjoy a good social experiment from time-to-time.

Here is what I’ve encountered in the last few days or so alone:
1. Our administrative assistant who manages to work her health status into each and every conversation she has (in-person and phone). Its very similar to a weather update, but I think most people seem to care more about the weather.

2. A woman who entered the restroom after me today and before sitting down pulled about 15 yards of toilet paper off the roll and kind of wrapped the toilet seat in it before sitting down. (We have seat covers by the way).

3. My co-worker who has an Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (my diagnosis, of course…which would make me a Psychologist/Psychiatrist in addition to a Sociologist!). The way he interacts with our group is just amazing.

4. Blogging – why do we think anyone cares what we have to say?!? I won’t even get started on Twittering.

5. Family interactions – why do we (seem) to act different towards our families vs. society in general.

6. Hygiene habits – a full spectrum of things to make my stomach turn…I’ll spare you the details.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bad Luck is Still Luck

My disclaimer on this post is that I know I’m a very lucky person overall. Health, family, friends, etc.

However…my life has been one unlucky break after another since my return from Australia. The first thing was that my Intrigue was d-e-a-d…had to have the battery replaced. Due to the fact that I needed a car, I then pulled the Corvette out…only to find a puddle of fluid (later diagnosed as oil) on my garage floor.

Thurs - The Corvette was delivered to the dealer on my way to work (right across the street). I got an estimate for $266 – not as bad as I thought for an oil leak – wow, things were looking up! By noon that day, I had 4 missed calls from the dealer explaining an additional $550 in repairs that were needed for things that worked prior to delivering to the dealership (I swear!). I’m convinced they ripped me off and I hate that sense of not knowing enough about cars to know how badly I was ripped off. By the way, the dealer was kind enough to provide me with an estimate of $1,900 for the “dangerous” tires I was driving on.

Back to the Intrigue. The same night I brought the Corvette home, my dad replaced the Intrigue battery. Life was back to normal and I was only out about a $1,000. I resigned myself to not buying any Stanley Cup Playoff tickets after that spend.

On Friday and Saturday morning, we drove the Intrigue around a ton - to the Tiger game with my 7 year-old nephew, to Somerset and to Kmart. That’s where the joy ends. The thing died again in the Kmart parking lot. After calling AAA and getting it towed, it eventually got repaired (along with making the a/c functional after 2 yrs.) by a neighborhood mechanic for only a couple of hundred dollars more…plus a whole lot of aggravation.

Life was great again…until Tuesday morning that is. On my way into work from Ann Arbor in the Corvette, I got an error message “Service Active Handling”, which is a computerized way of providing for racecar skilled driving for Corvette owners. (my cruise control started dis-engaging on its own as well). I don’t really need active handling (or cruise for that matter), but due to the 4 hours of searching I did on it on the internet, there was warning after warning about serious malfunctions to the car if its not remedied. And guess what, its anywhere from $500-$1,500 to fix. I promptly called the stupid dealer because I KNOW that somehow, someway, their expert service caused these things to happen to my car. I let them get away with $550, but enough is enough. As you can imagine, the dealer thought I was a nutjob for accusing them of tampering (or making a mistake, uh-huh), causing these things to all go wrong at the same time. And I quote, “you are lucky these things are happening while at the dealership as compared to on the road”. You’ve got to be kidding. The warning message hasn’t come on again, so until it does, I’m considering it a glitch. In the meantime, I’m paying $1,100 for new tires – not through the dealer.

AND Finally, last night, I had a great time at the Tiger game. The weather was beautiful, Dontrelle Willis won, etc. On the way home, we stopped for gas and I put my cell phone (flipped open) on the top of the car. I thought to myself as I was pumping, I’d better not forget that phone….and guess what…I drove off with the phone on the roof – didn’t realize until almost 11:30 (an hour later) and we drove frantically back to the gas station. The whole way there, I was muttering about what an idiot I am, warning Lanae to get out while she still could, etc. We were just hoping to find the phone so that I didn’t have to deal with Verizon last night. Well…that damn thing was literally in the middle of the intersection of 2 major roads…still flipped open. We got in the left turn lane, I jumped out and got it while people honked behind us and took off. The phone is badly chipped and looks a mess, run over a couple of times, but Lanae got it to work. I can’t see who is calling, but it works! Having to spend an additional chunk of money was averted. Boy, aren’t I lucky?

Monday, May 4, 2009

My Weekend In Sydney

I spent my final weekend in Sydney, Australia. I have to say it has the potential to be one of the best cities that I've ever been in. Lots to do, beautiful scenery, tons of restaurants and bars, and beautiful people (I guess the could have been put into the scenery category).

For some reason I took the 6 a.m. flight out of Melbourne which got me to Sydney by 8:30 a.m. How stupid am I? Needless to say, I had a full day ahead of me.

Side note: Best quote of the trip was at the gate at the Melbourne airport. "She's such a dick when she drinks. I can't stand her!". I think these girls were at the airport on their way home from the skank bar...if you know what I'm saying.
But back to my trip. I spent all of Saturday hanging around Darling Harbour. Really...nothing more than hanging around. I eventually took myself for a fantastic steak dinner overlooking the harbour. I was in bed very early.

On Saturday, I climbed the Sydney Harbour Bridge! It was fantastic and challenging - my legs are still killing me. It was so picturesque. Absolutely breathtaking. I spent the rest of the day walking through The Rocks and along the harbour where the Sydney Opera House is located. I took a ferry to Bondi Beach and through the harbours. There was an upscale craft/art fair/farmers market in The Rocks..and I kid you not...I ate a buttered corn-on-the-cob that was the best thing ever. I probably scared the people sitting near me, but I scarfed that down like I hadn't eaten in days.

I spent Sunday walking through the botannical gardens and found a German biergarten for lunch and again...just enjoyed the scenery. What a beautiful city. I recommend it for anyone...and it could be one of the most romantic spots. Luckily, I find myself to be pretty good company, or it could've gotten me down.

As fantastic as this trip has been, I am SO EXCITED to come home. I always say that traveling the world (especially on your own) can be exciting, challenging, lonely, fantastic...all at the same time, while also making you put your own life into perspective. Spending a month with no one to talk to, no one to eat with, no one to touch, is one of the strangest experiences ever. To spend a month in my own head is bizarre and a chance to take stock CONSTANTLY. It makes me tired. To sit at a table and order a real meal (it'd be easy to eat alone in your hotel room) and not rely on a book to keep you company while people stare at you is somewhat inspiring, while also freightening and sometimes lonely.

Another side note: I've figured out that with all of the couples that travel the world, they purposely look for the single person that would be willing to take their picture together. I must've taken 30 pictures for people. And I made it a point to take good, meaningful pictures. I should've charged them.

Anyway, in less less than 2 days I start my 3-day journey home. I'm excited because I found out I can get a day visa in Singapore, so I'll be able to explore as compared to spending 14 hours in the airport. I'm also going to look into upgrading to first class on the Tokyo-Detroit flight...15,000 miles...and I'm a cheap son-of-a-gun with my miles.

I can't wait to see my girl, my family, friends....and KATIE!!!! The only thing is you'll have to forgive me because if you recall, I haven't talked to anyone, touched anyone, or eaten with anyone. I hope I can handle the sensory overload. I've missed you all.