Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Vegas, Baby!

On Friday, I leave for a trip to Las Vegas – a long weekend. I am so excited…for so many reasons.
1) Time with my girl
2) Her friends are going, so that makes me the 5th wheel. That means I have no planning responsibility whatsoever for outings, etc. I can just “be”. I can just “go with the flow”
3) No work
4) Warm(er) weather – is anyone as tired of the ugly snow and cold temps. as me?
5) People watching and sightseeing
6) I have never been to Vegas. Considering that this is a pleasure-trip, I can treat this as a vacation. I mean, I get to go to some pretty cool trips for work, but make no mistake…I’m there for work - work is always looming. On this trip, the only thing I need to worry about is making sure I’m on the flight home.
7) No laptop as my carry-on. It may surprise you, but that thing causes so much grief. Do I have it? Taking it out of the bag. Going through security. Putting it back into the bag. Do I have it?

The only thing that would make this trip better is if I won some big bucks while there. That may prove to be a bit of a problem considering I don’t know how to play any games…and the thought of sitting at a table is intimidating.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Non-Existent Words

There is no such word as "reoccurring". I cannot tell you how many times I've corrected work submitted to me with that word in it.

Maybe I'm the grammar police or a snob. I do remember the days when I had to train myself not to end a sentence with "at", but poor grammar drives me batty. I've pointed this out to an employee for the third time today. I need to chill.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Chivalry is Dead

I travel quite a bit for work; the last month specifically traveling between Detroit and Monterrey, Mexico. I’ve gotten to the point where the whole hassle of the airport (checking-in bags, waiting in TSA lines, etc.) really doesn’t bother me. I always make sure to leave myself enough time to breezily walk to my gate, pick-up People Magazine, etc.

However, I’ve spent the last month going back and forth with the same group of guys. And when I say guys, I mean guys. The flight must be 90% men. I’m not going to lie – usually that means that I have people helping me with my bags, etc. NOT THIS TRIP!

I have literally been elbowed, hipped back into my seat, and yelled at for cutting in-line (BTW…I didn’t). The best thing is that the way things work here in Mexico is that they take you from the gate on a bus to your plane, so if you’re the first on the bus, you’re the last on the plane. Oh, sweet justice. So, to that man that practically tackled me to get through security, I heard what row you were in and I purposely put my bags in your overhead compartment…I was the 2nd person on the plane, afterall. Oh, sweet justice.

Is it wrong that I entertain myself to the detriment of my fellow travelers? I just get a kick out of people that act like the 30 seconds of time they save by being the first out of their seat and running onto/out of the plane is of utmost importance.

Had this group been on the Titantic, babies and women would’ve been thrown overboard in a heartbeat. For sure!