Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Responding to My Readers - #1

See my response to the question posed to me by one of my loyal readers. Feel free to submit your own questions or topics you'd like for me to discuss. In addition, one of my favorite random people...Miss KP...will be tag teaming on some of these questions...

Dear KAM, I have a friend. This friend wants to date someone that is a little bit older. Can you discuss intergenerational dating including some of the joys and the challenges. Sincerely,Friend from the west

Dear FFTW,

First off…you’re not fooling anyone that this post is for the benefit of your “friend”. While I don’t doubt that you have some friends, you are using the oldest trick in the book…KAM is not fooled. However, KAM is dumbfounded. Why would anyone want to date someone of a different (older) generation?!? Are you Anna Nicole Smith? Go younger!

Let me get back to your questions. Here are the challenges:
1. They may be on a fixed income
2. You may need to cut their food into small pieces to prevent a choking hazard; This may eventually lead to putting food into the blender.
3. Celine Dion, Whitney Houston, Gloria Estefan mix cd’s.
4. Every sentence starting with, “Considering I have more life experiences than you….”

The joys:
1. Let’s just say that you might be benefitting from someone with a little more experience in the *cough* bedroom.

Now, it just so happens that my girlfriend is 9+ years younger than me. I’ll have to make sure she doesn’t see my response to your question. If she does, let’s just hope the joys outweigh the challenges.

Thanks for your question. Feel free to send this blog to your “friends”…I’m sure they need more help with “their” questions.


Unknown said...

Yeah...I was wondering if you were looking in the mirror when writing this!!

And I want to know the scandalous details of the anonymous post that you deleted!

Kristen said...

One of the main concerns with intergenerational dating relates to social references. For instance, if you are all "I was home sick from school when the Challenger disaster occured..." and they are all "What's the Challenger?" that is a problem. You'll be all "Are you serious...?" and they'll be like "What year was it?" and you'll say "1986!" and they'll respond "Man, I was 2 years old..."


If these types of things continually occur ("what do you mean you don't know who Punky Brewster is?) the difference in age will constantly be an issue.

According to research (generational communications is going to be the topic of my thesis), generations are not only created by people falling into a range of birth years, but also by the events and circumstances that shaped their lives. Generations are defined by the global events they experienced. How these events shape a person is dependent upon how old people are when they occur. Due to these common events, generations develop a collective personae and similar attitudes and beliefs.

FYI- currently, generations are grouped as such:
Baby Boomers: 1943–1960
Gen X: 1961-1981, and
Gen Y: 1982–2005.

I am brain-dead. Going to watch some puppy-cam and go to bed!