Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I am Becoming Everything That I Hate

I've been toying with the idea of blogging for a while now. Today, I have decided that I have to do it. With the election taking place today, I find that people near (or not so near) to me find the need to make ignorant statments and this is going to be my mechanism to QUIETLY express myself. Today the election; tomorrow I may decide to share recipes...we'll see.

I am becoming everything I hate because I feel the need to defend the world from ignorant statements. In turn, I feel that I am probably not helping the cause...or any cause...or my blood pressure.

The ignorant statement that threw me over the edge?? Well, someone across the table said that they thought Gov. Palin was a "tool" because she has a "dumb" accent. This coming from someone that ends their sentences with "at" and mumbles (he also couldn't explain the Electoral College to our Chinese co-worker). And don't forget...you're from Detroit, not Manhattan - I didn't think that any true Detroiter could be an Elitist. Go eat your Big Mac, complain about the Lions and countdown the days until Kwame can run for Mayor again...he probably has your vote.


Kristen said...

Making fun of someone's accent is ignorant and ethnocentric. As you can probably imagine, I am not a supporter of Palin from a political standpoint, but I think she seems like a nice person who clearly has drive, ambition, and intelligence.

It's hard work trying to protect people from their own ignorance, I hope you have the energy! ;)

Karla said...

Look them in the eye and say: "Stupid people off my planet"

Anxiously awaiting the recipes....