Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I've been getting some questions - the cat is out of the bag.

Briefly, I am engaged. It went off without a hitch this weekend in Annecy, France. I couldn't be happier.

Pictures and stories to follow...hopefully once we're home - in person as this is so not the way I want to tell my friends/family. I am really excited though.

Monday, September 7, 2009

France - Week 1

I've been in France a week now. I'm actually starting to enjoy it. I mean really enjoy it.

I spent the day on Saturday in Cassis, France which is on the Mediterranean. A port town that is ideal for a romantic weekend away...not a 3 hour visit with a co-worker. For any of my readers to understand, you've have to be in my co-workers presence to fully appreciate what I went through. Let's suffice it to say that its possible he possesses 2 out of the 3 traits that most serial killers possess, plus a dash of OCD and a whole taste of conspiracy theorist. I have officially been able to turn my frustrations with him and his actions into a form of entertainment - well, most of the time.

Back to my weekend...Lyon really is a nice city. I've been able to get comfortable with getting around on the subway, which allowed me to spend yesterday (Sunday) in a cool part of the city eating, sightseeing and I even found a movie theater.

If my boss comes into town this upcoming weekend, I'll be sticking around. Otherwise, I'll probably take a train into Switzerland or may go to Aix En Provence...on a recommendation. The best weekend is when my girl comes into town for the last week and we spend the first weekend in Annecy. I am so excited. It looks like the perfect getaway. Until then, I have to work. Work always gets in the way of my vacations. :)

I hope everyone is enjoying their Labor Day. What I wouldn't do for some bbq and corn on-the-cob right about now.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

I Really Am Not a Fan of Fergie

Why is she rubbing up on a bunch of women in their new video?!?!? That is so 1993.

Does her London, London, London Bridge come down...? (love that song)

I'm up to 4+ hours of MTV a night in France. Not much English on the other stations. Help!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I made it to France…at it wasn’t/isn’t easy. I know some people have been waiting for me to give an update as to my status and want to know more. Unfortunately, I have been struggling to find internet access (since the foundry doesn’t have it!). I finally got access last night…and awoke this morning to awful news.

My good friend Foss’ dad died suddenly last night. Being so far away, I don’t know many of the details. This sucks! A really good friend of mine is dealing with such a tragedy and here I am…in France. I’ve been consumed with thinking about the Foss’ all morning…what would I do if I was there? How would I try to comfort her? I’ve figured out that all you can do is “be there” and if you’re needed, or see your spot to help out, you do it. In the instances where I’ve been close to someone or a family member of someone who died, there are always those people who make a difficult situation SO much easier by just being there. It really bothers me that I won’t be able to do that for Foss.
This is what stinks about my job. I can’t “be there”. Friends are supposed to be there at a drop of a hat to help each other out. You know someone for almost 25 years and due to a stupid job, you miss out on the really important moments. It is so frustrating to know that I won’t be able to go to the funeral of a really terrific guy, and to show my friend how much he meant to me and what she means to me. She’s got a million friends and a good support network, so I know she’ll make it through it. I just feel that this job gets in the way of my living a normal life sometimes. I’m not a outwardly caring person (I care, I just don’t always come across that way, and I’m not in your face about it), but I’m good in these moments…when I’m around. I feel awful I won’t be there. I feel worse about what the Foss’ are going through right now.